Friday, July 29, 2005

Colonial Williamsburg Dolls

Our great-aunt just gave us these colonial dolls made out of clothes pins. They are from when she went to Colonial Williamsburg, located in Virginia. You can visit Living History Colonial Williamsburg online HERE.Did you know that Williamsburg was the first capital of the USA?


Amber D.M. said...

Hi! Is this the same Miss C. that used to be on the VW message board? If so, greetings! =) I happened upon your journal by way of my website's statistics (

Mrs. S said...

Yes, it's me! I'm so glad that you found my site.
Whatever happened to the BVW message board? I really enjoyed it.
Your webstie is beautiful, I love to go on there even just to look at the background pictures. It looks very professional.
God bless! Please check back soon for more posts. In Jesus, Miss C.

Amber D.M. said...

Yeah! I've found you. I wondered what happened to you. =) Did you join any other message boards after VW closed?

Thank you for your kind words about my site. =) You're sweet.

I'm glad you enjoyed BVW's message board. Unfortunately, it is closed for now. I didn't have the time to devote myself to keeping up with it.

Another reason was that I didn't approve of a lot of the ads that the free MB service was putting on there (i.e. Harry Potter, etc--I didn't have any control over what they had for ads). I may or may not start it up again one day. It will depend on my time, and a better MB service to go through.

If you care to e-mail me through my website, I'd be happy to give you a link to my personal blog. I'd love to stay in touch.
In Christ, Amber